Thursday, December 10, 2009

April 11th 1943

Letter #22

Aril 11th 1943

To Mrs. Carl B. Thomas

Tampa, Florida

Dear Mother,

I am working hard but expect to stop studies for several days next week to get in flying time. We will go out to the field all day tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday I think. We wont have any studies except our ground school out there. I’ am certainly glad. It was just impossible to spend much time on the other stuff anyway, with this schedule. I am getting along fine in my flying it is really fun. I was bringing the ship out of spins myself today. You can’t imagine the feeling. Have been concentrating on Physics math and ground school. The rest of the stuff I just get by because I never send any time on them. The teacher asked for a 5 minute prepared speech in English and I didn’t have time to do it but thought she wouldn’t call me that day. But she did – so I just made one on my job up in York . She said it was very interesting but slightly mixed up as if I hadn’t spent much time on it. I am not doing unsatisfactory work or anything.

Sunday Morning- we are about to go out to the field. A new order came through that we wear fatigues instead of Suntans. I am glad of that now we may get some calisteurs again. - Don’t send me any more mail.

Love Dave

P.S. Ill write when

Letter #21

April 6th 1943

To Mrs. Carl B. Thomas

Tampa, Florida

Dear Mother,
It can;t be much tougher!!! We are flying in the moving and studying all afternoon and evening until 8:30. We get 1/2 hr before & 1/2 hr after free to shine shoes, take shower, write letters, get haircuts, laundry, etc. From 8:30 until 10 we are supposed to spend 1 hour on each of our subjects. We have had finals in first aid and military discipline but have added the whole mornings flying make up for it. We don't even have time for Calisthenics we are so busy. I don't know whether I can stand it or not - haven't ever been more disgusted - is it worth it?

Love Dave

We got paid for month of April 43.50 trying to make last until May. I still have guard duty from 2 to 5 AM every week. This seems to be just enough to make me sleepy all day in classes we have to get in 10 hrs. Flying time by 16th.

Here to all I hope you are having a better time then I am. I would like to choke those Dames in Dad's office. I will write when I get a chance.

March 30th 1943

Letter #20

March 30th 1943

To Mrs. Carl B Thomas

Tampa, Florida

Dear Mother,

I didn’t die. I have just been going full tilt. That platoon Srgt was too much for me I couldn’t do it and keep up with my regular studies etc. The Lt. said I was too easy on the fellows anyway. I just couldn’t go telling them to do some things. I did too much myself the Lt. said. Another thing I didn’t turn enough in for demerits. I think they behaved as well without it but he didn’t think so. ANYWAY, I am now just a cadet private again. I have got no excuses. All I hope is they give me another chance sometime. It makes me kind of mad at myself to think I messed up my first chance to lead a bunch of men. I don’t like people to hate me is one reason. I try to get along with all the fellows but you cant do that here if you are a cadet officer.

Questions Answered:

The teachers are all fair except the math teacher who is excellent and the geography teacher doesn’t know anything. He cant even peak English properly (Spainish-Mexian). We have had two dances here at the school auditorium. They were the bright sports in my stay in Tampa, except for the swim. The girls sororities gave us one we gave the other for them. Your son was in charge of the one we gave. I haven’t herd from the gal from N.Y. after one letter, which I haven’t answered as yet. We live 4 in a room size of yours. I don’t even shine my own shoes now. We were put in hospital because 3 fellows (didn’t know about) had spiral meningitis and died. The college doesn’t mind us at all anymore. In fact the girls are glad we came I believe. We still have cold water and blankets. DO you have a Narrow extra sheet? They aren’t any in the stores here.

Questions Continued:

I got Mac’s letter. He got a swell place. A real college not a broken down one. I got Jeans letter it was really welcome. Don’t get raincoat cleaned. Don’t have any idea about Harlan Slack. Thanks for spelling etc corrections in letters, I really try to remember. We just had a ban put on radios entirely so it’s a good thing you didn’t send it. We got the rest of our $50 for the month of Feb. We are still in pre – pre –flight school (until we leave here). I certainly hope you can send me that pants presser soon I really need it. I sued the $2 to get clothes out of hock. I have borrowed $10 from a fellow across the hall (rich guys has his wife living in Tampa, etc, car, etc). I got the clothes and swell food. It really was good. It was gone in a very short time. Tell N I will write soon. Got magazines also. Used Digest as reference so I could give a talk in English. English all public speaking (scared to death). If any more food is lying around don’t let it spoil. We have to have 75% in everything to pass. I have average of 85% so far but I don’t know how long. I have only gotten 2 demerits which is pretty good considering 3 guys have washed out due to demerits (excess). About 10 though a physical test we had. Minimum 8 pull up 25 pushups 60 sit-ups (from back with hands behind head). And run a certain distance in 55 seconds. My G.I. tugboats have worn through soles and heels. 8 guys passed out in the drill field Saturday morning (that’s the record). It is a common occurrence now. Food is good but monotones. Much better then Miami Beach though. Co-eds still wait on us. We have no K.P. (thank goodness) Weather good but getting warm. I hope we aren’t here this summer. Bumor says our section (40 fellows) is leaving in 6 more weeks instead of five months. I hope so.

Love Dave

P.S. “Red” Cross form York wrote and told me news, see clipping. I went around with “Bud” off and on with Mary Lanasa (Italian Soda –Girl). Barbara just missed dying from a miscarriage last week. She was operated on and is getting along as wel as can be expectec so “Raub” (married fellow that I like a lot) tell me. This would happen to her. She was always different from everyone else in this. She was scared to death that something like this would happen that why she never got along with her husband.

No I am not talking bad memories out of the grace. I just thought you would be interested.

P.S.S. Steve should read the enclosed folder, I think. We are always getting this stuff over and over. I have learned more then I ever knew before. I wish schools would give subjects like this. They really help keep things straight. Perhaps you shoud’nt let this page get around slightly out of place in this group because they are supposed to be the smartest section. (therefore they leave first) by exam we took in Miami. I must have made some lucky guesses. Everyone in our section went to college but 2 other guys and myself. The Lt. says we have a very good chance of being sent to San Antonio Texas. Will you send my pictures that I have in my desk and send a couple that you have of me some dame wants me. I could really use some money if you have any you want to invest. This army is really costing. Just think I haven’t even seen one movie since I have been in this mans army. I haven’t gambled since that loosing streak in Miami either and I haven’t had a drink since that first sat they let us out. I haven’t smoked a cigarette since last summer that I remember. I had my first chewing gum when you sent me some I just gotta stop. This history is too hard to miss too much writing a letter

Love to all, Dave