Aril 11th 1943
To Mrs. Carl B. Thomas
Tampa, Florida
Dear Mother,
I am working hard but expect to stop studies for several days next week to get in flying time. We will go out to the field all day tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday I think. We wont have any studies except our ground school out there. I’ am certainly glad. It was just impossible to spend much time on the other stuff anyway, with this schedule. I am getting along fine in my flying it is really fun. I was bringing the ship out of spins myself today. You can’t imagine the feeling. Have been concentrating on Physics math and ground school. The rest of the stuff I just get by because I never send any time on them. The teacher asked for a 5 minute prepared speech in English and I didn’t have time to do it but thought she wouldn’t call me that day. But she did – so I just made one on my job up in York . She said it was very interesting but slightly mixed up as if I hadn’t spent much time on it. I am not doing unsatisfactory work or anything.
Sunday Morning- we are about to go out to the field. A new order came through that we wear fatigues instead of Suntans. I am glad of that now we may get some calisteurs again. - Don’t send me any more mail.
Love Dave
P.S. Ill write when
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