March 18th 1943
To Mrs. Carl B. Thomas
Tampa, Florida
Dear Mother
This is an emergency. I gotta have some knida of an iron. The one I gave Steve will do. The iron that Marge got for wedding present (portable) would be wonderful. She told me it didn’t work well for her, that the one that you have her is much better. If she doesn’t want it, it would be a lifesaver to me. Also send my sox, (tan) and undershorts as soon as possible. Please send me my pajamas, 2 good pair (if I have them).
This situation is really getting desperate. This army is really costing me money. I have to buy 2 pr of Suntan tomorrow at $8 per. I was figuring out today what I had spent for toilet articles, clothes, drugs, etc it amounted to $17 as neat as I could remember. I was talking to the LT and he said that this is only the beginning. When I actually get going here and then on into preflight school I will have to buy enough Suntans so I can change 1 every 2 days. The laundry takes 4 days to clean and press.
A few more articles that are piling up are laundry (I don’t have time to write let alone wash my clothes now). That averages $1 per week. I have to get a haircut ever 7 days whether I need it or not.
We change form O.D.’s that is why I am suddenly in trouble. You cant keep the wrinkles out of this darn material with out continually starching and pressing.
This demerit system is really tough. I haven’t gotten any in “military manners” ( this covers everything except studies) but I have gotten two in studies (they are really getting hard). I am really enjoying this though. We got another $15 pay today which was a lifesaver.
I was selected as platoon Sergeant for the new class when it comes in. I am practicing by drilling the fellows in my own platoon during drill period. I am a little rough but give me a little time and ill be as good as anyone. Whatta you think of that me, David Thomas, The Quaker, a cadet drill Sargent, Whatta Laugh!!! This give me about two as much to do as everyone else (except the other cadet officers of course. So I am really going to be rushed. I hope I can keep up my studies and everything. The biggest trouble is there aren’t enough hours in the day and they watch you like a hawk so you wont study after lights (10 dermerits)
Love Dave