Thursday, November 12, 2009

March 1st 1943

Letter # 15

March 1st 1943

Mrs. Carl B. Thomas

Miami, Florida


Dear Mother,

            Tomorrow will be my birthday!  I want be about to celebrate it I guess.  About ¾ of my friends have left.  Mac Bain is still with me.  We are going together.  Please do not write any more.  I will let you know when to write again.

            I haven’t done anything except sit around for the last few days.  I couldn’t get a pass to go to the beach yesterday.   I did get a chance to go down to the tailors and get my O.D. uniform fixed up so it fits.  Mac Bain is going though what I went through.  It seems that everyone has the same thing some time.  Most aren’t as bad as ours though.  I wonder just what it is.  It certainly isn’t a common cold.  Some smart doctor should investigate.  We went to a play a couple of weeks ago and you couldn’t even hear the actors talk because of the coughing, sneezing and blow of noses.  

            Johnnie Wayner got the least notice of anyone.  He was drilling (not on shipment even).  He was told he had to be ready to leave in 10 min .  Didn’t even have time to wash the layer of dst off from “Open  order drill”/  (where you run and fall on your face).  He didn’t have any uniforms except for summer that we got when we first came.  He made it but what a wild scramble.  Ill bet he is cold now.  Everyone with him took overcoats etc. 


Love Dave


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